Self Study 3 and Tutorial 2

From the tutorial for the second week, our task was to rigged our character and try to add in the wlaking cycle. I added the walking cycle, and made it so the character can also wave whilst walking (Although the walking does not play when waving, but the character still moves). Once the wave is finished, it will return to walking. 

Our self study tasks were to make a terrain with the old and new system, below is a before and after shot:

Before (Old terrain)

After (New terrain system)

As you can see, the new system looks much nicer, and gives greater control of textures and their tiling size.

We were also tasked with making some probuilder assets, specifically a maze, staircase, extruding and bevelling parts of a mesh, vertex painting and trying to do some boolean operations.

Here are my assets made with pro builder, from left to right: a failed attempt at boolean, a vertex painted mesh, an extruded and bevelled mesh, a really steep staircase, and a maze.

I tried using the boolean feature but got an error:

Since its still in development, maybe I don't know how to use it properly or its just a development error.

We are also tasked with painting a mesh to our terrain, so i painted a banana leaf plant (that i made in Blender, using my own Substance Designer textures created the previous night):

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